The RPG Blog Carnival for October is about superstitions, so here are three little rituals. Thieves Lock Pick Murmur Lock picking is a quiet is an action that takes quiet, patience and a little luck. The thieves guild teaches its

The RPG Blog Carnival for October is about superstitions, so here are three little rituals. Thieves Lock Pick Murmur Lock picking is a quiet is an action that takes quiet, patience and a little luck. The thieves guild teaches its
This month’s RPG blog carnival is about what hides in darkness [link]. Here are three monsters that make shadows dangerous. Drop Snake This winged serpent inhabits tropical forests. It flies up high into the canopy where it watches closely what
2016 and its December RPG Blog Carnival have now come to a close. It has been 6d6 RPG’s pleasure to host the theme of Garbage and Sewers. So as the big top is taken down and the midden is filled
Heavy David claims everything that’s thrown away in Crystal Town as his. At dusk he pushes around his huge cart by hand, collecting rubbish. He never takes anything that still has an owner, somehow sensing the difference between lost and
A small little humanoid, barely 2 feet tall, that’s obsessed with what others throw away. From amongst it’s rags can be seen six arms, two legs and many eyes. When the arrive on a planet, it will search for a
Intro Continuing this month’s carnival theme of waste and sewers in RPGs we have three more adventure seeds with a distinctive, scatalogical theme. Shadowkind Shadowkind are beings composed of living darkness that are harmed by anything stronger than starlight. In
Garbage, effluent and the people who work with it are a great source of RPG inspiration because not all adventures take place in beautiful forests, gleaming palaces or sprawling dungeons. There are stories to be found and explored much closer
Where are the toilets on the Enterprise? It may seem like a silly question but waste is an important part of life and therefore a potential source of role playing. For GM’s, thinking about toilets and garbage can give rise
Hello stranger, sent here by the RPG Blog Carnival were ya? I’ve got some fine potions here for sale. If there’s nothing you want right now, then I’ll happily sell you recipes; for a price. Jittertery – Made from the
What happens when science meets magic? Machines possessed by demons? That’s science fantasy, which is the topic of this month’s RPG Blog Carnival, as hosted by Daemons & Deathrays. What separates science fantasy from science fiction is the introduction of
The topic of this month’s RPG Blog Carnival is Wizards, as introduced by Harbinger of Doom . They want to know about the magic users in your RPG, in particular their culture. Circe and Medea are perhaps the most famous
This month’s RPG Blog Carnival is about the Fey and is hosted by Pitfalls and Pixies. Fey folk are found on most of the mortal planes, known as fickle tricksters and troublemakers. Mischievous but mostly harmless the onward march of