Vincent McVondell’s mentor is dead and now he sits alone in his room at magic school plotting most unfortunate revenge.

Vincent McVondell’s mentor is dead and now he sits alone in his room at magic school plotting most unfortunate revenge.
The great herd is on the move again, heading south to where the winter rains will flood the Lebonear Savannah and Ku-Aya and her tribe will once again follow them. For generations the Kuri tribe have wandered north and south
Derobera is the product of an experiment in warfare. Down in the deep dark there isn’t the space for large armies to properly fight, so battles are decided on many small fronts in tunnels and caverns. Unable to afford the
Ffion and her smoke monster Xeda are on the hunt for a mysterious serial killer.
Zilyana is the star of her university duelling team and the sword brat knows it.
Juniper Jackelcry may be small but she’s the fastest quick draw gunslinger south of the mountains.
Elise is never going to forgive Lord Lindauer for his coup, his destruction of her newspaper and the scars he left on her face.
Rasmika Joyanto is White Tiger Paladin of the Moon goddess Otone. She’s traveling to prevent a prophecy of destruction and find a good cup of tea.
Eleytra used to raise armies of the undead for warlords but now she’s on paladin community service so she’s traded nercromancy for lost souls
Valquine Llewis used to be a humble civil servant but now she has a hammer and blood feud to settle. #ttrpg #character
Nyra Greyflight is a very excitable moth fairy and cleric of Hades whose become fascinated by ballet.
Millicent Hook is the very busy general practice witch of Sootside and would like it very much if the wizards would mind their own business.