11 Extra Monsters for the 6d6RPG.

11 Extra Monsters for the 6d6RPG.
A small TTRPG about Very Busy Witches are very busy looking after their valley community.
2016 and its December RPG Blog Carnival have now come to a close. It has been 6d6 RPG’s pleasure to host the theme of Garbage and Sewers. So as the big top is taken down and the midden is filled
A quick round-up of interesting links to historical sewer systems of use to RPG GMs and world builders for the RPG Blog Carnival. The History of Sewers is exactly what it says and a great resources for understanding the history
A quick round up of free OSR /D&D adventures in sewers part of this month’s sewer & waste themed RPG Blog Carnival The Lair has a random sewer encounter table for you Two page sewer map and descriptions from Dyson
I’ve not reviewed that many role playing games but I’ve read and played enough to have formed the following opinions, which I’m now going to inflict on you, the reader. Layout Switching between one and two columns multiple times on
Sometimes social situations are best resolved through role playing but sometimes it needs to be decided by the dice. In today’s Thanktank we look at social combat using the 6d6 RPG. From the Think Tank it’s clear we’ve quite a
Join us for our weekly RPG brainstorming sessions. This weeks topic … In Lovecraftian fiction inhumanity is a running theme, the fear of becoming something other than human, whether mentally physically or spiritually. To represent this in 6d6 lovecraft we
The 6d6 crew get together to brainstorm ideas for RPGs, adventures, settings and characters. This week, we are taking some ideas for convenient magics from previous shows and look at making them work within the 6d6 RPG.
The 6d6 crew brainstorm ideas for RPGs. This week we are continuing our look at the magic of convenience as we take some of the ideas from the last two weeks and put them into character paths.
The regular get together to brainstorm ideas for RPGs. This week, we are talking about the magic of convenience. What magic would (or could) exist in a fantasy world which simply makes life a bit easier or more pleasant. Over
Introducing an open meeting for anyone wish to brainstorm RPG ideas with a fellow writers, artists and GMs. Each week one person takes the helm and leads the brainstorming on a particular problem or setting. The process continues during the