2016 and its December RPG Blog Carnival have now come to a close. It has been 6d6 RPG’s pleasure to host the theme of Garbage and Sewers. So as the big top is taken down and the midden is filled

2016 and its December RPG Blog Carnival have now come to a close. It has been 6d6 RPG’s pleasure to host the theme of Garbage and Sewers. So as the big top is taken down and the midden is filled
Heavy David claims everything that’s thrown away in Crystal Town as his. At dusk he pushes around his huge cart by hand, collecting rubbish. He never takes anything that still has an owner, somehow sensing the difference between lost and
A small little humanoid, barely 2 feet tall, that’s obsessed with what others throw away. From amongst it’s rags can be seen six arms, two legs and many eyes. When the arrive on a planet, it will search for a
Intro Continuing this month’s carnival theme of waste and sewers in RPGs we have three more adventure seeds with a distinctive, scatalogical theme. Shadowkind Shadowkind are beings composed of living darkness that are harmed by anything stronger than starlight. In
Garbage, effluent and the people who work with it are a great source of RPG inspiration because not all adventures take place in beautiful forests, gleaming palaces or sprawling dungeons. There are stories to be found and explored much closer
I’ve not reviewed that many role playing games but I’ve read and played enough to have formed the following opinions, which I’m now going to inflict on you, the reader. Layout Switching between one and two columns multiple times on
In RPGs, taverns are a vital location but too often they are just four walls, some tables, chairs, a bar. They all look so similar and serve little purpose beyond being a place to meet. As places where adventures start,
So pleased was I with the previous post about potions, this post is all about adventure hooks for those potions. Jittertery – A new gang of street thieves are prowling the streets of Palperroth. They’re robbing large crowds by snatching
Hello stranger, sent here by the RPG Blog Carnival were ya? I’ve got some fine potions here for sale. If there’s nothing you want right now, then I’ll happily sell you recipes; for a price. Jittertery – Made from the
Time mages don’t use blood, spirit or mana to power their spells. They burn time. In exchange for casting all manner of spells time pauses at a location. With preparation a mage can recite a spell that specifies the location.
Written by Ken Spencer and published by Cubicle 7. Rocket Age is a role playing game of retro space adventures set in an alternate 1930s. Rocket Content Rocket Age wastes no time in setting up and introducing the tone of
Elthos, written by Mark Abrams is advertised as a lightweight, fast action RPG and can be found at http://www.elthos.com. The website also includes access to the Mythos Machine, a web application for GMs and players to world build and run