To avoid even the contamination of starlight, the habitat has no external windows and the outside is five metres of plasticrete. The inside is lowly lit but is otherwise comfortable and spacious. As they are defined more by aversion than

To avoid even the contamination of starlight, the habitat has no external windows and the outside is five metres of plasticrete. The inside is lowly lit but is otherwise comfortable and spacious. As they are defined more by aversion than
The Earthquaker’s Gauntlets Made for fists the size of oxen, this pair of gauntlets were left on Nyione as the god Goesis fled from the Thunder War. As the rock god escaped this plane, they dropped anything that would slow
In early January I set myself the goal of publishing a heroine for every day in February. Each heroine would come with artwork and a 6d6 character sheet. In addition to setting myself a writing challenge I wanted to celebrate
Thankfully the plague beetles she killed in an alleyway had some coin in them, else Aafna would have been sleeping on a park bench. Next to her empty plate she has open her worn copy of the Adventurer’s Handbook. The
She spent them on getting a new suite of subtle subdermal cybernetics. She’d only just walked out of the hospital when the first attempt to kidnap her occured. Luckily she was able to escape in a passing ambulance but she
The auditions were hard, pushing Zara’s stamina as well as her natural grace. Of ten applications, she was given five offers. She chose the school in Herton as she did not want to be too far from her parents or
When not tending to her other duties, Yukiko has taken up the role of librarian. The campus library contains a wealth of information that will help the survivors but the index is on a computer they have no power for.
During the summer months she’s drilled and trained the hunters of her lodge hard. For her, professionalism and dedication are the only ways to ensure survival. She’s not out here for adventure or a tall story to tell around the
Rescue the cow, find the child, divert the sandstorm. Wahida enjoys that she can help save so many people and she understands that the villagers are proud to call one of their own a superhero, something they normally only read
The popularity of her work as snowballed from there. From her shed on the back of the family shop, Verni produces her unique patterns for any who want them. Working full time, the eleven year old doesn’t take pre-orders, preferring
She spent a month in those mountains, learning how to fly and breath fire. Ulanni can remain as a dragon for as long as she chooses provided she can eat enough to fuel the magics. Bored of looking at snow
The police condemned her brutality and issued a warrant for her arrest. Taioria ignored them and patrolled further, looking for where the gangs were bringing in the product. With no contacts or training in investigation, she had to rely on