The SS Farnham Elgeria is an old oil tanker that drifts about the pacific ocean. The interior had been converted so that it functions as both home and temple for the most worshipful order of Saint Zarall. The nuns and monks follow the concepts of Zarall, a self appointed saint and the registered captain of the Farnham Elgeria. Once a billionaire financier, Zarall says they experienced an epiphany after nearly drowning in a yachting accident. Within a year, they had abandoned their urban life to prepare the Farnham Elgeria for its new monastic purpose.
Five Faiths for RPGs
Beliefs and religions to encounter or follow.
The order is dedicated to silence. Zarall believes that the noise of city life cuts the soul from the divine, after they experienced a natural piece when underwater. This is why the Farnham Elgeria drifts for days at a time, so that the noise of the engines won’t disturb the community’s meditations. From midnight until noon there are no spoken words aboard. Afternoons are for group exercises before meal time in the evenings. Zarall’s wealth lets the members be free to pursue their creative projects, research or reading without worldly concerns.
The ship itself is well maintained with a large skylight to let in the light. Her great size lets her carry months and months of supplies. The eighty seven people aboard have learnt the skills needed to crew and maintain the ship. Zarall is very keen that the paperwork is completed properly and in good faith so there is the minimum amount of fuss to disturb the floating monastery. The community tries to recruit new members when they infrequently come into port.
Plot hooks
- A distress signal been picked up by the SS Farnham Elgeria.
- A stowaway is somewhere on the ship
Image Credit – Eagle Kinarut by Karen Roussel – CC-BY-2.0