How long do you spend generating monsters? DM’s Tools 6d6 Fireball is pleased to announced the launch of Dingle’s Games. This site is run by Paul, our long time friend and gaming partner. Paul is combining his 20+ years experience

How long do you spend generating monsters? DM’s Tools 6d6 Fireball is pleased to announced the launch of Dingle’s Games. This site is run by Paul, our long time friend and gaming partner. Paul is combining his 20+ years experience
Whilst WotC have dropped the game aspect from their miniature range, other manufactures are pushing on with miniature orinatated skirmish / board-games. Combat Zone Combat Zone is a science-fiction skirmish game where smalls units of humans, aliens, robots, zombies and
I voiced my wish to see some chance of spell failure in D&D in my recent post about Fantasy Magic. Having been called out by Bonemaster I have put together my suggestions as to how to use spell failure. My
If you want a good blog on role-playing miniatures, wargaming or modeling, then any of the ones listed below are a good place to start. There is a huge variety of material here ranging from tutorials and advice to people
Cheating in D&D is not spoken about much but I think it is fair to say we have all cheated at some point. Most experience players will not do the blatant cheating of adding magic items to their character sheet
Last weeks post, This is not just a +1 Sword, this is a M&S +1 Sword was inspired because I was reading several of Jerry Ahern’s Survivalist series of books. These pulp, action hero, post-apocalypse books were a favourite of
This article’s title will mean nothing unless you have seen the M&S advertising campaign that has been running in the UK for the last couple of years (here is an example). In fact, you probably have never even heard of
As a GM, the fantasy creatures you add to your gaming sessions are your characters and for this reason probably the most important aspect of the game as well as the one that can give you the most pleasure. In
Maps in Role-playing Games Tolkien started it by putting a map in the front of The Lord of the Rings. Since then every fantasy author, and most GMs, have mapped out their world in loving detail. But what about the
Coming up with plausible names for characters, NPCs and even the villages, towns and cities in a scenario or campaign can be a bit of a bind. I love to think I have a creative mind but I often go
Some further points concerning wizards cropped up this weekend in an interesting thread on the RPGNet forums started by Count_Rugen. I posted my thoughts on wizards a few weeks ago including how I voluntarily limited myself to the unfashionable Necromancy
In my recent article about fantasy magic I complained about the lack of any explanation for the phenomenon of magic in D&D. Now to be fair to Wizards of The Coast, the more recent editions of the game have a