As a wise man once said “It’s CHRISTMAAASSS” and this week’s topic for RPG brainstorming is Christmas themed adventures. They can be in any setting and genre but we are looking for plots suitable for a yuletide roleplaying.

As a wise man once said “It’s CHRISTMAAASSS” and this week’s topic for RPG brainstorming is Christmas themed adventures. They can be in any setting and genre but we are looking for plots suitable for a yuletide roleplaying.
This week’s RPG brainstorming is all about ideas for taverns and plot-hooks which turns strangers in a party of adventurers. It is a problem every GM has faced at the start of a campaign – how to get the players’
The 6d6 RPG team gather together to brainstorm ideas for RPG adventures, monsters, settings and more. This week’s topic is … *Alone In Space* The characters are alone in their spaceship as they make a routine trip. What unexpected danger
Our weekly RPG brainstorming session features two special guests: Dave Allsop and Jared Earle. They are the creators of 90s cult-classic SLA Industries and between them run Nightfall Games [ ] This Week’s Topic: The End of the World
Join us for our weekly RPG brainstorming sessions. This weeks topic … In Lovecraftian fiction inhumanity is a running theme, the fear of becoming something other than human, whether mentally physically or spiritually. To represent this in 6d6 lovecraft we
In this week’s brainstorming session we are looking at unique or legendary magic items Never mind the +1 swords or the potions of healing, we want magic items which are truly unique. Maybe they are items of legend, given to
The 6d6 team get together to brainstorm ideas for RPGs, settings, monsters and more. This week, we are discussing Truly Magical Cities. Here is the brainstorming thread on G+ and on Reddit
The 6d6 crew get together to brainstorm ideas for RPGs, adventures, settings and characters. This week, we are taking some ideas for convenient magics from previous shows and look at making them work within the 6d6 RPG.
Our open, weekly RPG brainstorming session. This week we are talking about alien monsters. If you would to join us in the hangout and swap ideas, just shout-out in the comments. All are welcome. Thinktank Briefing —> 6d6: The Horrors of
The 6d6 crew brainstorm ideas for RPGs. This week we are continuing our look at the magic of convenience as we take some of the ideas from the last two weeks and put them into character paths.
The regular get together to brainstorm ideas for RPGs. This week, we are talking about the magic of convenience. What magic would (or could) exist in a fantasy world which simply makes life a bit easier or more pleasant. Over
This weeks brainstorming is all about wizards and their spells. What are the coolest, most evocative, dramatic magic spells you can think of for a wizard? They may be useful or silly or immensely powerful or completely useless, whatever you