Jed, the Star Dragon of the Pelleas Nebula, is a friendly avuncular fellow. Perhaps you could help him out?

Jed, the Star Dragon of the Pelleas Nebula, is a friendly avuncular fellow. Perhaps you could help him out?
The universe is a large and very varied place. There will always be locations and cultures that become isolated from the rest of civilisation. Over time, these places will become increasingly strange and different as they diverge from the norm.
Park life is a focus for many community members. Everyone has their own uses for a communal green space, even if it’s just walking through. Add colour to encounters or narratives in a public park, with these RPG characters. Old
Pointman Hacker Thief is a spy themed RPG by Mark Meredith of []. Judging it by its cover, I was expecting to review a game that takes its cues from Bond, Bourne and Bristow. It’s not just motion media being
We return! Fresh from our summer holidays, the 6d6 Think Tank is thinking about micro-adventures. How small can you make a setting and it still provide enough inspiration and information to make a good game? Here’s some notes on one
Unless the players characters exist in a vacuum, their actions are going to have effects on their surroundings beyond a trail of dead goblins. Every action they take will eventually be noticed by someone and a reputation will build around
How famous are your player characters? In 6d6 Hellenic, the player’s characters are the champions of the gods. With no more than fifty such champions going about doing the work of the Olympic gods, it is uncommon to come across
The Book of Revelations, ragnarok, end times, global warming and the return of titans are examples of prophecies regarding the end of the world. Every culture has them and they speak volumes about the culture’s worries and preoccupations. The belief
We’ve got the description (part 1)and we’ve got the advantages (part 2). Now our beast needs it’s metadata. The metadata in a 6d6 character is about how much potential the character has. A character uses their advantages by spending potential
Most of us have had that point in a game where a set of characters work together for longer than a single campaign. Usually a character will have a motive for solving the problem at hand, ranging from the greater
With our monster described and given some character (see part 1), lets get into the mechanics. On first pass through the paths available in the 100 monster bestiary, I’ve picked out these to start with. As a note, advantages and paths
I went searching the internet for interesting monster images for inspiration and this is a great piece of art by rabbiteyes. I’ll talk you through how I’m turning image into creature. First Impression – Looks like someone took a giant