The noble Knights of Gold brought down the mad lich witch Paubi after a year long campaign. The lich’s designs were undone, but their undead army continued. It came to halt in the middle of the countryside where it stood,

The noble Knights of Gold brought down the mad lich witch Paubi after a year long campaign. The lich’s designs were undone, but their undead army continued. It came to halt in the middle of the countryside where it stood,
The Last Spell Ingredient The trouble with magic is it that it is unexplainable and inexplicable. Diligent research wizards may find cheap and common alternatives for some spells but there is no guarantee all ingredients can be replaced. A healing
Aelaimo is the god of rivers; fresh water is his gift and promise to all who worship him. When his clerics heard of a land far to the west where no rain fell, they felt compelled to bring relief to
Fate True prophecies involve predetermination, a fixed time-line or gods of fate ensuring things happen. Which means the prophecy will be fulfilled regardless of what the characters do. As railroading the players this much is something most GMs avoid, adventures
DayTrippers by Tod Foley is a science fiction game of reality hopping, first published June 2015 and available at This review covers the Core Rules and the Gamemaster’s Guide. There’s a wealth of supporting material available on the website
There is an almost universal trope in tabletop RPGs that a player (other the GM) only has narrative control of their own character. That is, they have very little ability to create and define parts of the world – the
Support Your Local Artist The artwork for this character was kindly used with permission by JE Shields. James has a selection of Patreons you can find here []. Various tiers are available that give you access to James’ regularly updated
2016 and its December RPG Blog Carnival have now come to a close. It has been 6d6 RPG’s pleasure to host the theme of Garbage and Sewers. So as the big top is taken down and the midden is filled
A quick round-up of interesting links to historical sewer systems of use to RPG GMs and world builders for the RPG Blog Carnival. The History of Sewers is exactly what it says and a great resources for understanding the history
A quick round up of free OSR /D&D adventures in sewers part of this month’s sewer & waste themed RPG Blog Carnival The Lair has a random sewer encounter table for you Two page sewer map and descriptions from Dyson
Continuing our exploration of the dirtier side of RPG world building (see part 1). Whose job is it? There is always a prejudice against those who work in waste disposal. It is a dirty, smelly job and one which often
Where Do Character’s Go To The Toilet? The point of world building in role-playing games is to give the players the sense their characters exist in a living, breathing world. If GMs and world builders ignore questions about toilets and