The 6d6 crew get together to brainstorm ideas for RPGs, adventures, settings and characters. This week, we are taking some ideas for convenient magics from previous shows and look at making them work within the 6d6 RPG.

The 6d6 crew get together to brainstorm ideas for RPGs, adventures, settings and characters. This week, we are taking some ideas for convenient magics from previous shows and look at making them work within the 6d6 RPG.
Our open, weekly RPG brainstorming session. This week we are talking about alien monsters. If you would to join us in the hangout and swap ideas, just shout-out in the comments. All are welcome. Thinktank Briefing —> 6d6: The Horrors of
The 6d6 crew brainstorm ideas for RPGs. This week we are continuing our look at the magic of convenience as we take some of the ideas from the last two weeks and put them into character paths.
The regular get together to brainstorm ideas for RPGs. This week, we are talking about the magic of convenience. What magic would (or could) exist in a fantasy world which simply makes life a bit easier or more pleasant. Over
This weeks brainstorming is all about wizards and their spells. What are the coolest, most evocative, dramatic magic spells you can think of for a wizard? They may be useful or silly or immensely powerful or completely useless, whatever you
The 6d6 team return with more brainstorming of RPG ideas. This week we are playing with our ‘necro-tech’ setting, an alternate 1940s where spirit energy powers technology but something is going wrong. The energy is leaking out and strange things
This week’s brainstorming is about characters and adventures for 1940s Necromancy and Necro-Tech. We have an idea for a setting which involves Ernest Rutherford (discoverer of the atom) and Aleister Crowley (occultist) winning a joint Nobel prize for proving the
Tonight we will be brain-storming magic. The focus will be on the ‘big picture’ as we look at the what a magic user culture will look like, who will use the magic in the culture and what the downsides of
In tonight’s brainstorming session we will be creating 6d6 RPG characters based on back stories and concepts supplied by the good folks of G+. See the backgrounds here – The meeting is open and anyone who wishes to join in
This week’s brainstorming session is about about giant monsters to fight the mechs we talked about last week. We need creatures capable of smashing Tokyo to smithereens and challenging a party’s worth of giant-robots. We have had some ideas already
Join us tonight for our weekly RPG brainstorming session. This week’s topic is mecha-robots versus giant monsters. Specifically we are looking at what players want from this sort of game? What should the giant robots be able to do? How complex
This week’s RPG think tank is about creating the Seven Wonders of the Galaxy for +Joshua Radford and +Razorwind01 ‘s 6d6 Galaxy Setting. We’ve already had some great ideas suggested by G+ people ( see here – ) and we will be