Shipwrecked on an unknown island filled with strange and deadly creatures and a surprising past, the characters must either escape, learn to survive or become just another victim of The Savage Island. The Savage Island is an introductory 1st level

Shipwrecked on an unknown island filled with strange and deadly creatures and a surprising past, the characters must either escape, learn to survive or become just another victim of The Savage Island. The Savage Island is an introductory 1st level
Here are five adventure hooks for travelling adventures for this month’s Blogger’s Carnival. 1. Shipwrecked This one works in just about any game system whether low fantasy or high tech. The vessel carrying the party sinks / runs aground /
After 25 years GMing, I had a new experience on Saturday. Running the same scenario in two back-to-back sessions only 20 minutes apart. It proved a very useful play-testing experience. As part of our demonstration day at Chimera I was
December, 1932: This mysterious image was recovered from the camera of a missing photographer. Scraps of flesh, clothing and the tangle wreckage of his equipment were found in an alley in the heart of old London …. (c) A J
39 Pages of Great D&D Adventuring! The winner of the autumn round of our Adventure Writing Competition, Gold Strike! is ready to download. This low to mid-level D&D adventure, sees the party on the trail of lost miners in an
The best way to shake up a party is for them to encounter a monster they don’t recognize. This is especially effective on players who have that smugness that can only come from an encyclopedic knowledge of the monster manual.
How much has the 4th Edition grown over the past year? Following last year’s investigation into the size and growth of each edition of D&D, the big question for this year’s updated graph is how fast is 4e’s rule base
We are back playing D&D 3.5 after our trial run with 4e (this ended up in Total Party Kill in the last room of the module). Our first thoughts on our return to 3.5 was “How do we play this
1. Lack of Preparation Nothing says “I’m a green GM” more than making the players wait five minutes whilst you try to find the NPC’s stats or work out what happens next. Fortunately this is easy to fix. Read
Part of the D&D Bloggers Carnival. 5 Rules for Smart D&D Players It is the moment I love. That moment when the GM stares at you, first in disbelieve and then in realisation of what it means. The moment your
Remember how last week I asked for suggestion of free games to fill a two week gap in our gaming schedule? We had some good ideas but nothing was quite what we were looking for so I had a good
Two different sets of glorious fantasy art popped up on my RSS reader this morning that simply must be seen. Dave McKean’s Fantasy Art Stamps Dave McKean is a fantastic artists, often working in mixed media where photographs, sculptures and