A while back I read this old(ish) article by Rich Burlew on creating villains for campaigns. As both an exercise for my creative addictions and to plug 6d6 Hellenic, I’m going to take his 14 steps and build a villain

A while back I read this old(ish) article by Rich Burlew on creating villains for campaigns. As both an exercise for my creative addictions and to plug 6d6 Hellenic, I’m going to take his 14 steps and build a villain
All stories have to start somewhere. For superheroes, what comes before they get their powers is prologue, a background that influences them, but does not define them. How they got these powers, the origin of their super powers, forms the
We’ve got the description (part 1)and we’ve got the advantages (part 2). Now our beast needs it’s metadata. The metadata in a 6d6 character is about how much potential the character has. A character uses their advantages by spending potential
With our monster described and given some character (see part 1), lets get into the mechanics. On first pass through the paths available in the 100 monster bestiary, I’ve picked out these to start with. As a note, advantages and paths
I went searching the internet for interesting monster images for inspiration and this is a great piece of art by rabbiteyes. I’ll talk you through how I’m turning image into creature. First Impression – Looks like someone took a giant
“Oooh, heloooooo. Anythiiiiing I i can dooooo for you today?” By simply elongating my o’s and i’s on the ends of words, I can bring shudders and threats of violence from my friends and players. For they know this odd
This week’s brainstorming is about characters and adventures for 1940s Necromancy and Necro-Tech. We have an idea for a setting which involves Ernest Rutherford (discoverer of the atom) and Aleister Crowley (occultist) winning a joint Nobel prize for proving the
In tonight’s brainstorming session we will be creating 6d6 RPG characters based on back stories and concepts supplied by the good folks of G+. See the backgrounds here – http://ift.tt/1jz1hv4 The meeting is open and anyone who wishes to join in
This week’s brainstorming session is about about giant monsters to fight the mechs we talked about last week. We need creatures capable of smashing Tokyo to smithereens and challenging a party’s worth of giant-robots. We have had some ideas already
Join us tonight for our weekly RPG brainstorming session. This week’s topic is mecha-robots versus giant monsters. Specifically we are looking at what players want from this sort of game? What should the giant robots be able to do? How complex
Our weekly RPG brainstorming session will be building a monster based an image. Open to all, just comment to be invited in to the meeting.
Join us for our regular RPG brainstorming session as we turn our attention to a new monster.