Jed, the Star Dragon of the Pelleas Nebula, is a friendly avuncular fellow. Perhaps you could help him out?

Jed, the Star Dragon of the Pelleas Nebula, is a friendly avuncular fellow. Perhaps you could help him out?
As circuses move from place to place, they can make a great framework for long campaigns that use episodes. The party could comprise characters from the cast and crew. The owner or ringleader would be best as left as an
The galactic travel network has a weird and twisted shape. Rather than freely connecting all the stars, there are several key nexuses that funnel traffic to them. Mega-Station-Blue is the service centre for the Blue nexus point. It was built
When the scouts found Neytune, 6th planet of the Acreon system, it was immediately clear there was something unique on the surface. Lying in the open on a vast steppe is a statue in a reclined pose. The size of
In our recent RPG Thinktank we discussed scenarios which GMs can drop on the characters when they believe they are on dull, routine space travel. Lost Time In Space On a long, dull voyage the crew slowly come to
The 6d6 RPG team gather together to brainstorm ideas for RPG adventures, monsters, settings and more. This week’s topic is … *Alone In Space* The characters are alone in their spaceship as they make a routine trip. What unexpected danger
Our open, weekly RPG brainstorming session. This week we are talking about alien monsters. If you would to join us in the hangout and swap ideas, just shout-out in the comments. All are welcome. Thinktank Briefing —> 6d6: The Horrors of
This week’s RPG think tank is about creating the Seven Wonders of the Galaxy for +Joshua Radford and +Razorwind01 ‘s 6d6 Galaxy Setting. We’ve already had some great ideas suggested by G+ people ( see here – ) and we will be