Coming up with plausible names for characters, NPCs and even the villages, towns and cities in a scenario or campaign can be a bit of a bind. I love to think I have a creative mind but I often go

Coming up with plausible names for characters, NPCs and even the villages, towns and cities in a scenario or campaign can be a bit of a bind. I love to think I have a creative mind but I often go
Some further points concerning wizards cropped up this weekend in an interesting thread on the RPGNet forums started by Count_Rugen. I posted my thoughts on wizards a few weeks ago including how I voluntarily limited myself to the unfashionable Necromancy
In my recent article about fantasy magic I complained about the lack of any explanation for the phenomenon of magic in D&D. Now to be fair to Wizards of The Coast, the more recent editions of the game have a
Staying in character is perhaps the hardest part of roleplaying and after many years gaming I still find it hard, especially when confronted with a brain teasing challenge. Here are my tips for staying in character. Tip #1 – It’s