As a GM, the fantasy creatures you add to your gaming sessions are your characters and for this reason probably the most important aspect of the game as well as the one that can give you the most pleasure. In

As a GM, the fantasy creatures you add to your gaming sessions are your characters and for this reason probably the most important aspect of the game as well as the one that can give you the most pleasure. In
Coming up with plausible names for characters, NPCs and even the villages, towns and cities in a scenario or campaign can be a bit of a bind. I love to think I have a creative mind but I often go
Another thought dawned on me in the context of my recent Wizards article in the context of spell books. How accessible spells are is a huge influence on the breadth of power available to your mage. Corvell is primarily interested
All the recent articles I have posted about wizards and magic have got me around to thinking about the mechanics of fantasy magic and its attributes. All campaign worlds need some kind of magic, some way of harnessing power to