They are out to get you. Make your players paranoid with these RPG plots and conspiracies from 6d6. Fungus Government When two aides came back from a charity journey in the deepest rainforest, they brought back a fungus in their
Category: RPG Adventure Ideas
Magical Shops
That last smuggling run netted a vast haul of treasure and the characters need somewhere to spend it. Or the game leader has a plot need to give the players an important item. Commercial establishments are ideal for this. The
The God Who Fell to Earth
All across the southern continent there is fear, anger and confusion. A god has fallen from the sky. Faith in the goddess Adoundra is a minority believe, with at most one in twenty a follower of her tenants. Her priests
Gates and Portals
In the spirit of this transitioning time of year, this month’s RPG Blog Carnival is about Gates and Portals. The Ley Gates Looking like simple wooden farm gates, they’re nothing out of the ordinary. It’s only if you look hard and
Choir of Sorcerers
It has always been known that songs have power. This is exceptionally true for the magical choirs of Estral. Individually their mages have limited magical prowess, but when their voices sing together with the right harmony and rhythm they can
Four Unusual Haunted RPG Locations
It’s the season for spooky things, the colour orange and pumpkin spice flavoured everything. Haunted houses are a staple of the terror genre, maybe even a cliche. As homes are meant to be safe places, their subversion into a place
The Great Reclined Statue
When the scouts found Neytune, 6th planet of the Acreon system, it was immediately clear there was something unique on the surface. Lying in the open on a vast steppe is a statue in a reclined pose. The size of
The Polymorph Masquerade Ball
The vast and fertile plains of Etrya are covered in small and tiny city states. Once part of a larger empire, they are now independent dukes, lords, counts, princes and stadtholders. Locked into complicated family and political alliances the balance
RPG Thinktank: Micro-Adventures & Settings
We return! Fresh from our summer holidays, the 6d6 Think Tank is thinking about micro-adventures. How small can you make a setting and it still provide enough inspiration and information to make a good game? Here’s some notes on one
Safe Haven
The Zykomn Sea is a place of vicious storms and high winds. Fed by the desert heat of the continent, the weather is always hostile. This is except for the waters of the bay of Kruzidina, named for the town
The Swamp Chorus
After hearing that all the famous princesses had a chorus of animals to join in when they sung, Princess Eanchith became jealous. To quell her incessant whining her father indulged her. King Dulfa hired a wandering hedge wizard who set
Hong Kong Noir
A noir style adventure set in the tropical neon city of Hong Kong. Act 1: Introductions It’s summer in Hong Kong and the heat is oppressive. It weighs down the air, making it stick to you clothes. Sat in his