Elthos, written by Mark Abrams is advertised as a lightweight, fast action RPG and can be found at http://www.elthos.com. The website also includes access to the Mythos Machine, a web application for GMs and players to world build and run

Elthos, written by Mark Abrams is advertised as a lightweight, fast action RPG and can be found at http://www.elthos.com. The website also includes access to the Mythos Machine, a web application for GMs and players to world build and run
What happens when science meets magic? Machines possessed by demons? That’s science fantasy, which is the topic of this month’s RPG Blog Carnival, as hosted by Daemons & Deathrays. What separates science fantasy from science fiction is the introduction of
This artwork forms the cover of the Age of Legends tabletop role-playing game. In the background a pegasus flies towards Athens. In the foreground Odysseus sails, tied to the mast, while beset by sirens. His ship is also threatened by
Billed as high octane action in Ancient Egypt, Nefertiti Overdrive is by Fraser Ronald of Sword’s Edge Publishing and had it’s successful KickStarter in February 2015. Content Nefertiti Overdrive is not a setting book. Beyond a few paragraphs setting events
The Hellenic view of the world depicted in the map from Age of Legends. As well as featuring in the campaign book, the map is available as a poster and as part of the Epic Sticker Pack. The full map
The topic of this month’s RPG Blog Carnival is Wizards, as introduced by Harbinger of Doom . They want to know about the magic users in your RPG, in particular their culture. Circe and Medea are perhaps the most famous
Published by Four-In-Hand Games and written by Eric Simon after a successful KickStarter in October 2014 . Steamscapes Asia is a Savage Worlds licenced product, the second in the Steamscapes steampunk setting after Steamscapes North America. Both products are source
Out thanks go to William Altman who’s reviewed Age of Legends despite their busy schedule with the peace corps in Georgia. You can find the review at Krendel.net, where you’ll also find plenty of information about William’s game Krendel.
This month’s RPG Blog Carnival is about the Fey and is hosted by Pitfalls and Pixies. Fey folk are found on most of the mortal planes, known as fickle tricksters and troublemakers. Mischievous but mostly harmless the onward march of
All of the over 80 illustrations used in Age of Legends is now available on Red Bubble as posters, stickers, framed prints, cushions, t-shirts and host of other things. We will be doing a few bundle offers to go with
The city of Redfort is an ever growing metropolis at the forefront of the magical industrial revolution. Expanding not just up and out but down as well. The city has commissioned a new metro line to connect the old city
Christmas Ninjas is a humour RPG by Mendel Schmiedekamp. You can find it here – link. There are somethings that you can not have too much of – dice, British chocolate, love, freedom. For other things, there is clearly an