What have I learnt in building this villain? Primarily, that the nature of the 6d6 Hellenic setting means that any antagonist is going to be much more complex than just a villain. The setting is founded on the competing goals

What have I learnt in building this villain? Primarily, that the nature of the 6d6 Hellenic setting means that any antagonist is going to be much more complex than just a villain. The setting is founded on the competing goals
I’m continuing to follow Rich Burlew’s guide to creating a villain. As you can see from the title, I’ve named her Iola. There’s nothing behind this name, it’s simple one that I liked the sound of. Part 1 is here. Step
A while back I read this old(ish) article by Rich Burlew on creating villains for campaigns. As both an exercise for my creative addictions and to plug 6d6 Hellenic, I’m going to take his 14 steps and build a villain