Roleplaying is a group activity and only when every member of a group is firing on all cylinders will the game really fly. But how do you do it? How can you inspire tabletop gamers to put their heart &

Roleplaying is a group activity and only when every member of a group is firing on all cylinders will the game really fly. But how do you do it? How can you inspire tabletop gamers to put their heart &
Even in some of the most indie of indie games, the role part of role play is important. Our tendency as creative types is to always move towards more diversity. Our groups are made up of people who have a
Unless the players characters exist in a vacuum, their actions are going to have effects on their surroundings beyond a trail of dead goblins. Every action they take will eventually be noticed by someone and a reputation will build around
In role playing games, the primary agents of change are the player characters. Whilst the world around them may be populated by people and places with their own agendas, our focus is with our characters. We see the world and