The tortoise, called Ogan by the Keebra, moves at the speed of a human crawl and despite its size its footfall barely shakes the ground. The land behind Ogan is deeply carved by its footprints and the forests are left

The tortoise, called Ogan by the Keebra, moves at the speed of a human crawl and despite its size its footfall barely shakes the ground. The land behind Ogan is deeply carved by its footprints and the forests are left
This month’s RPG blog carnival is about literature and is hosted by Pitfalls and Pixies. Here are four books to inspire plots and problems for your RPGs. The Book of Blood Speech A textbook in black leather, it contains detailed instructions
Gonzo History are running a monster design competition []. The core of the rules is to find yourself a cheap toy and then write it up as a monster for the role playing game of your choice. Here’s my entry,
Do you remember when James Bond was all about suave, sophisticated people with gadgets and one-liners? Do you dream of megalomaniac villains with secret bases and plans to take over the world? Then Spy Master is the game for you.
Poor Amongst the Stars is a setting for Malandros that takes the players below decks on a generational starship. It’s written by myself and is now available on DTRPG. The core of the game is setting up the generational ship
The RPG Blog Carnival for October is about superstitions, so here are three little rituals. Thieves Lock Pick Murmur Lock picking is a quiet is an action that takes quiet, patience and a little luck. The thieves guild teaches its
Our epic campaign setting – Age of Legends – is now available on DriveThruRPG and we already have some great reviews in. From Brian Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! Great book and setting. It’s filled with a mix of historical
There is a perception that all RPGs lie somewhere on a spectrum. At one end there are games which attempt to simulate a world and the player is bound by the rules of that simulation – e.g. the character starts
A critical component of good game design is how the game’s mechanics mesh with the game’s narrative. If the these elements do not align the player’s ability to suspend disbelief is challenged. For example, most games have mechanics which allow
This month’s RPG blog carnival is about what hides in darkness [link]. Here are three monsters that make shadows dangerous. Drop Snake This winged serpent inhabits tropical forests. It flies up high into the canopy where it watches closely what
Lord Rarder, The 4th Duke of Orindest was a petulant and egotistical young man. He became jealous of the other nobles with their mountainous or coastal estates. In particular Earl Brabant’s extravagant spending on building a new mountain tweaked Lord
Adventures In A Doomed World The lava never stops. Rivers of thick, sticky, liquid rock stretch out for hundreds of miles from the Rift. The great forest of Salidour has been burned and the cities of men obliterated. As the