A while back I read this old(ish) article by Rich Burlew on creating villains for campaigns. As both an exercise for my creative addictions and to plug 6d6 Hellenic, I’m going to take his 14 steps and build a villain

A while back I read this old(ish) article by Rich Burlew on creating villains for campaigns. As both an exercise for my creative addictions and to plug 6d6 Hellenic, I’m going to take his 14 steps and build a villain
How far do you go in your game? Vivid descriptions, challenging subject matter, psychological games? Tonight the 6d6 team discuss their own experiences and gaming styles as they find the edges of acceptable roleplaying.
In building the religious framework for Jimano’s World, I’ve done a fair bit of thinking on religion before getting into the details. Jimano is the god of the material. He used his power to build himself a hermitage so that
With infinite diversity come infinite combinations. Quantum physics tells that a numberless amount of parallel universe could exist, each with their own quirk of fate. Life on these worlds was the subject of our Think Tank. Want monsters might we
Imagine an infinite number of different Earths, one for every possible evolutionary and historical possibility. Now imagine someone creates a machine which randomly picks creatures from those alternate Earths. What comes out of the machine? It could be anything from
How famous are your player characters? In 6d6 Hellenic, the player’s characters are the champions of the gods. With no more than fifty such champions going about doing the work of the Olympic gods, it is uncommon to come across
Last week’s Think Tank was how a hero’s origins shape their story. For this week’s Think Tank we talked about how a societies belief in the world’s end create adventures. The end is nigh, say the wise-men and the witless. Do the
The Book of Revelations, ragnarok, end times, global warming and the return of titans are examples of prophecies regarding the end of the world. Every culture has them and they speak volumes about the culture’s worries and preoccupations. The belief
In doing this (Race’s of Jimano’s World), I found myself thinking about the common knowledge that comes with the use of standard races. I could paint onto a completely blank canvas and create entirely new races. This is something I’ve
All stories have to start somewhere. For superheroes, what comes before they get their powers is prologue, a background that influences them, but does not define them. How they got these powers, the origin of their super powers, forms the
A superhero’s origin and the powers they possess go hand-in-hand. If you are bitten by a radio-active spider you are not going to develop the power to go invisible. In this week’s RPG brainstorming we are exploring superhero origins and
In role playing games, the primary agents of change are the player characters. Whilst the world around them may be populated by people and places with their own agendas, our focus is with our characters. We see the world and