Ash Imp
A minor demon that appears after fires to feed on the ashes, they are often found in flights of up to a dozen. Their form resembles a furless flying squirrel with thick membranes between their fore and hind limbs. Though they mostly feed on ash, they delight in burnt meat and their jaws are filled with sharp snaggle teeth. They don’t hunt live prey but if they feel they are being threatened or food is being taken away from them, they will attempt to mob an enemy. They have limited animal intelligence and don’t speak.
March marsh toad
A toxic beast that lurks beneath the mud and ooze of the Marcher Swamps. The size of a sheep, the march toad is the laziest of ambush predators. As it can contentedly subsist on the small bugs and swamp plants within its reach, they don’t move to hunt. Should a creature be unlucky enough to get within a march toad’s reach, the toad will jump up from the swamp and belch up a noxious cloud of gas that stuns, nauseates, and burns. With its prey thus disorientated, a whip-like tongue strikes out and wraps around the target. The toad then returns to the waters, dragging its meal down to a drowning death.
Clockwork Stranger
Semi-independent and available to the highest bidder, these creatures are often sent on missions of murder. With a machine’s patience and strength, clockwork strangers are dangerous opponents, particularly as they are free of all the weaknesses and foibles that might reveal a mortal assassin. An automaton built of steel and clockwork, their exposed mechanical parts make them very easy to identify. To get around this, the stranger will often wear complex disguises of many layers of clothing and a face it has cut from a useful victim. An excellent mimic of movement, mannerisms, and speech, a clockwork stranger will spend at least a day observing its target before it is satisfied it has learnt enough about the person it intends to replace.
These tiny insects can be found throughout the NAME jungle, clinging to branches and flitting between flowers. Their carapaces are renowned for their bright iridescent patterns that are a sign for predators to stay away. Firstly, glitterflies are full of a deeply foul toxin induces nausea in anything that eats a glitterfly. Secondly, when a glitterfly senses a threat, it explodes the rear most section of its elytron into a brilliant burst of dazzling glitter. This display is not just visually confusing, it also leaves the target coated in a fine layer of glitter that disrupts camouflage until it can be washed off.
Quigly’s Perfect Cube
It is generally quite easy to spot when a Quigly’s Perfect Cube has passed through. Everything that could be organised and sorted has been organised and sorted. What dust or dirt remains will have been neatly piled into a perfect cube in a tucked away corner. The origins of Quigly’s Perfect Cubes are unknown beyond that they seem to come from the Dimensions of Order. When one of them enters our realm, for reasons unknown, it seems to be compelled to bring as much order as it possibly can. Eventually the Quigly’s Perfect Cube will leave by magic portal, but before it does, any attempts to obstruct its tidying up will be met through brutal, yet precise, force.
Also called the Offset Dinosaur, this large theropod is six metres of predatory muscles and teeth, with a pale green hide and bright blue eyes. Native to the highly magical plains of Hto Fanaat, it is a solitary and territorial hunter of the plain’s large herbivores. What makes Mirumsaura even more dangerous is their instinctive ability to teleport. When hunting they use this to close with their prey and often change their attack vector to confuse and disorient. Anyone coming into contact with a Mirumsaura must take extreme caution to avoid being noticed as the dinosaur will appear from an unexpected direction. Do not attempt to engage it with ranged weapons as the Mirumsaura will teleport next to whoever shot at it and hit.
Implicit Shrike
As best is known, this is a large bird of prey, big enough and strong enough to snap the neck of an adult man with one twist of its beak. It is perhaps territorial, as the remains of its kills are impaled on trees and spike around specific locations. More is difficult to say, as the magic of the Implicit Shrike is that it cannot be explicitly described or located; information about it can only be inferred. Survivors of what are presumed to be its attacks talk of a member of their party being suddenly hit followed by a rush of air. The shrike is believed to then put distance between itself and its prey as it waits for another opportunity to strike with surprise.
Giga Scarab
A beetle of truly enormous size, it is truly fortunate that it awakens only once a century. Ten times the size of a tall man, the giga scarab rolls up vast amounts of earth in search of its favourite food – deep fungus. Such is the creature’s size, it doesn’t notice if its path takes it through dwellings though it will avoid deeper bodies of water. Its approach is characterised by a low rumbling and an earthquake like shaking of the ground. Once the beetle has eaten its fill, which can take several months, it digs itself deep into the rocks below to digest and hibernate whilst the deep fungus slowly regrows. Should it notice an attack on it, it will turn and charge down the threat.
The Mask of Rhythm and Sorrow
The wizard Zon saw in the demon Sefni such malice and appetite for harm that she went to great lengths to bind its power. Her efforts killed her and even then were not enough to fully end Sefni’s threat. The demon’s essence has been bound into the form of a mask, the shape of which the demon can control to both hide and tempt victims. The mask, once worn, cannot be removed until death and uses its wearer’s talents to cause sadness for Sefni to feed upon. Sefni has taken a preference for actors as they have found that eliciting misery from audiences provides it with a bounty of sadness. Eventually the mask drains the wearer to death and waits until it can find a new victim.
Grey Fisherman
The water off the coasts are never safe, no matter how calm they may look on a sunny day. Be it turbulence or predators, there is always danger in the sea. This unpleasant little fae likes to trick people into these dangers for its own strange purposes. It will show divers, and swimmer illusions of sunken treasure or the sounds of someone in distress so they dive too deep. Sailors will see false lights or extra shadows causing them to dash their craft upon the rocks. The little grey fishermen will sneak out from its hiding place once the danger has done its work. It will take some trinket or shiny from the newly deceased and add it to the collection it keeps in its watery lair.
Malcontent Bramble
If you go out to the woods this night, be very careful where you tread. It was not the ill advised magic of a curious wizard that created the malcontent Bramble, but a druid seeking hostile revenge on those who had harmed their green circles. This druid poured their malice and their hate into thirteen dozen bramble seeds and called up a wind to spread them far and further. It’s been decades since and the seeds of the brambles of the seeds of those brambles are now found in the darker forests. The plant is highly territorial and feeds upon blood as well as sunlight. The central mass of roots is hidden underground so that all there is to fight is an entangled and entailing network of thorny branches that flail with intent to cut and poison.
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