Something awful is trying to return and so three magic items must be intercepted and carefully destroyed.

Something awful is trying to return and so three magic items must be intercepted and carefully destroyed.
I’m Aurora Valentine and these are the best and hottest new magic items from this year’s Highmoor Dungeon Expo.
Tonight’s RPG brainstorming looks at magical items with a dark twist. These are not cursed items or outright evil items, but devices with useful, desirable abilities which have an unpleasant aspect to them. They are items which force characters to
In Ye Olde Worlde Magic Item Shop I highlighted how magic items had ceased being special in 3.0 onwards. Here is my solution to the problem. Magic Items have a Story If you think of the magic items in literature,
Looking back, one of the biggest mistakes in the 3.0/3.5 editions was the magic item creation rules. This seemingly sensible change fundamentally changed the nature of D&D. Back in the “good old days”, magic items were strange things. There was